Konference: Počítač SHARP MZ-800 a emulátory
Od: | Pavel Železo |
Datum: | 7.7.2003 18:29 |
Předmět: | Uzitecna utilitka |
Na URL http://www.sharpmz.org/index.html je uzitecna utilitka AS2MZF vyzkousejte ! Pavel 07/04/03 AS2MZF is written by Bernd Krueger-Knauber and is added for download. You can write your own MZ machinecode programs using any text editor of Windows or DOS. The utility AS2MZF assembles your program and generates an MZF-formatted file which can be used by your MZ ( after transferring from PC to the MZ ) or directly by an emulator. AS2MZF ( for DOS & Win; written by Bernd Krueger-Knauber / Germany ) Download the utility now ( 92kb ). The assembler AS80 and a testfile "test.as80" are included. ______________________________________________________________________ Reklama: POZOR! Nova SkodaFabia RS - Adrenalin & Dieselhttp://ad2.seznam.cz/redir.cgi?instance=56529%26url=http://www.adrenalindiesel.
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