Konference: Počítač SHARP MZ-800 a emulátory
Od: | Zdenek Adler |
Datum: | 24.9.2001 14:18 |
Předmět: | Emulator verze 0.073 |
Hi all, na http://mz-800.hyperlink.cz/mzdemo.zip si mohou vsichni zajemci stahnout novouverzi emulatoru. Stranky updatovane zatim nejsou (tlaci mne cas), takze
pripadne pouzijte link pro download verze 0.071 - skryva se na nem verze nova.
Pokud by nekdo mel problemy se stahovanim, rad mu to poslu mailem Zdenek P.S.: Karl - Heinz mi udelal krasnou stranku o mem emulatoru (musel jsem nad ni
uronit slzu - teprve ted jsem zjistil jak je emulator krasny :-), kouknete se
zde http://www.sharpmz.org/zaemu.htm Hello, A new emulator for MZ-800 written by Zdenek Adler is available now for download.
The emulator has a lot of very useful features for Z80 machine language program
development like assembler, disassembler, and debugger tools, but useful
features for users who enjoy playing MZ-games too. Please take a kindly note of http://www.sharpmz.org/zaemu.htm The emulator can be used for a various circle of users: programmers will enjoy a
few of useful features like assembler, disassembler, testing features, whereas
users who enjoy the games running on an original MZ-800 will find all games
written in Basic or written in the machine language very good emulated on the
PC. The english emulator version works under Windows 9x/ME/NT 4/NT 5. A version
running under DOS is available too, but it is a czech version only. You'll see some of the screens here http://www.sharpmz.org/zaemu.htm, so you're
able to get a good overview of all functions and features. --- Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry. Zkontrolováno antivirovým systémem AVG (http://www.grisoft.cz). Verze: 6.0.281 / Virová báze: 149 - datum vydání: 18.9.2001
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